Welcome to the House of Games Word Puzzle Game!
If you have made it to this page and entered the password you have done one of two things;
1.) Solved the puzzle!
2.) Given up and are wanting to find out what the answers were!
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Here are the answers and how the word puzzle game worked. (You can reference the signs you saw around the house below)
You were to find the 5 Pac-man themed plushes hidden around the house. Each one had a word puzzle page found taped to the wall nearby it.
The first puzzle found in the entry way near the front door on the dry ease board is the puzzle you were trying to solve first. It had three words and 9 letters to solve.
The next 5 word puzzles, which you find answers to by answering the questions have certain letters circled. These letters formed the answer to the initial puzzle found by the front door.
Answers for the puzzles
Which person is known as the creator of Pac-man?
Toru Iwatani
What is the name of the orange Pac-man ghost?
What were the Pac-dots “pellets” meant to resemble when the Pac-Man game was first made?
What was the name of the hit song that came out in 1981 by Buckner and Garcia that related to Pac-Man?
Pacman Fever
What word is first shown on the screen when you start a Pac-Man Game?
Using circled letters which are: O, R, C, D, E, I, N, E, D
You should have solved the puzzle in the entry way by the front door to be CODE IN RED
One of the word puzzles which shows a picture of a safe and a women showing her arm has game clues listed on it. The game clues are as follows:
You seek what lays in the strongbox
This is a hint meaning the CODE in Red is used to open a strongbox or otherwise known as a safe. The safe is hidden in the laundry room above the dryer.
Your solved answer lays in plain view outdoors
Code in Red is your solved answer the numbers lay in plain view outdoors above the front door. The code to the safe is the address of the property 1206. Additionally 4 of the word puzzles have numbers on them in the upper left corner of the page #1, #2, #3, #4. On those pages there is one number in red. Hence “Code in Red” the number on Word Puzzle #1 is 1, the number on word puzzle #2 is 2, the number on word Puzzle #3 is 0, the number on word puzzle #4 is 6. In the correct order that is 1206 which is the code to the safe and the address of the property.
Opening the safe as instructed with the label on the front of it. You would enter 1206 then the “#” sign. Opening the safe you will find the instructions to send a group photo to the cell phone listed and your reward of $25 to be sent via Venmo or Cashapp. Use it to buy some Pizza or Ice Cream Treats for your group! Your Group photo is then featured on our social media pages.
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